
Evan Connell
3 min readJan 28, 2022

Her name is Grace

Before our first date. I was wondering aimlessly through my days. Everything ran together Monday through Sunday. Friday would hit and I would drink till Sunday and then start work back up again. I reached out for the first date through text and that would go down as the bravest texts I have ever sent.

She ordered an Old Fashion. My favorite drink. Her order said a lot about her. An Old Fashion is sophisticated, it is timeless, it has a kick, but always brings a smile on my face. She spoke with confidence and had the most positive outlook on life I have ever seen. I was being pulled in. I never wanted that date to end.

After many more dates, beers, and laughs we continue on. Naturally. Never a dull moment. Wether it is running around the Faroe Islands, playing games, or bar hopping. We always seem to be smiling.

Moments like these make me think how did I enjoy simples things without her. She makes them better. I no longer want to sit in the corner of the bar alone. I want her right next to me. Just nodding while I spout off nonsense. She just let’s me go and essentially she knows I’ll tucker myself out.

There she stands smiling. I wonder, How did God create something so wonderful. Her laugh lights up the room and is hauntingly beautiful like Debussy’s Clair de Lune. When you hear it, it makes you stop in your tracks and ask for more.

Nothing can stop her from achieving what she wants. She smiles daily through a life that would have recked most people. She stands tall to every and anything that comes her ways.

Her name just calls to be loved. Grace McKenzie Brown a woman that makes any Irishman proud. She has dreams of becoming a bartender an Ireland and I intend on helping her make those dreams come true. A pub in tiny countryside town with a lot of green.

Grace is my morning cup of coffee. She awakens my soul when I need her most. She courses through my vains when she gently touches my arm. She has a motor like coffee that won’t stop and that is exactly what I’ve always needed. I was stuck before Grace. Going through the motions walking mindlessly then she was my morning cup of coffee.

Kenzie is what the layman call her. She’s not just Kenzie. She’s the greatest person I know. Everyday she enter life with fuck you attitude but with a smile that would cut right through you. She yearns for experiences that keep her alive. She is why I am becoming a better man.

I believe Bliss is what humans strive for not happiness. Bliss is the out of body experience we feel when we are watching s sunset, laying in a hammock by the beach, or standing at the top of a mountain. Grace gives me Bliss and the ability to be fully present. While the world spends with it’s troubles I luckily get sit next to Grace.

She’s extremely talented but doesn’t like people to know it . She paints in her free time and with each paint she leave a beautiful mark on the world. Painting allows her to escape and be just in the moment and you can tell. I hope she paints forever. One day she’ll be in the Louve.

With Grace I look forward to the future and what lyes ahead. Perspective is the most powerful tool a man can have. I have learned my perspective through Grace and I don’t fear the future anymore. She lit my fire to chase after my dreams every single day and I couldn’t be more excited to wakeup each day. This is why I am writing.

I am writing this for her but this is also for everyone who has a Grace in their life and truly believe they do. Because this was most fun I’ve had writing a little story and hopefully Grace loves it. If not, she’ll still be my Grace.

I read once “every man has a she” and she is my she. She is my why. Every man reading this knows the moment I’m describing. Its the first day of his life and the day he knows the rest of his life is about to begin.

“What’d you say babe?” I got to go Grace is calling.



Evan Connell

I am a professional athlete turned author. I write short stories, travel stories, books, and articles. 38 Countries Email: